Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Finally Crossing our Fingers

It's been a long day.

BUT, we have our final building inspection scheduled for tomorrow. (Well, today now.)  I expect to have a few corrections -- there almost always are -- but nothing show-stopping.  And, depending on the corrections the inspector potentially wants, we may get signed off tomorrow!

We still have to get the Health Department's approval and I have a call in to them to get that scheduled hopefully for Friday.

Then, if that all goes well, we'll clean like mad over the weekend, fix whatever the Health Department needs done, get reinspected on Monday and throw open the doors at 4:00pm Monday!

Could this long process finally be *that* close to being over once and for all????

1 comment:

  1. I'm free Saturday if you guys need help cleaning! Just let me know! :)
