I have an item on the schedule for tomorrow. When I made the schedule, I figured we'd be ready for it this weekend; the weekend before our opening day. It was "Panic." Well, as of last night, we were ahead of schedule; we had a panic last night with our water heater for the bar not working. But, a quick run to Lowe's solved the problem.
And, among the other items for this weekend was "Address Health Department concerns". That's something else we don't have to do. The Health Department inspector was satisfied that we had met all her requirements and signed off on a "Temporary Permit to Operate". And, combined with the earlier sign-off on our building inspection, we have finally cleared the last Magical Hoop™ to opening.
Now, it's all on us to get the bar ready for Monday at 4:00pm when we fling the doors open and welcome the patient throngs of people at the door. (Ok, there will probably only be one or two at four pm...) And there's much to do. There's a lot of cleaning and putting up televisions and assorted A/V equipment and getting all that inventory sorted and properly tagged and probably a few more things I'm forgetting after today.
The tremendous feeling of unfathomable relief after so much consummate anguish is often overwhelming.
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