Thursday, June 2, 2011

Passing Gas

It's been a long damn day.  But we're closer to opening.

We were up and out of the house at 7:00am this morning and got back home about 8:00pm.

We had a plumbing and mechanical inspection today.  Part of the plumbing inspection is a pressure test on the line.  The gas line passed inspection.  And, we passed the rough electrical inspection as well as the mechanical inspection. (That's the A/C and duct work.) Indeed.  We passed gas.

All we have left to do for the city is get the dry wall up and the finish work for the A/C and the electrical.  Then it's Final Inspection time.  And final inspection could happen as early as June 9.  (There will probably be a few issues that need to be addressed so we'll probably have a final final inspection on the 13th; which still gives us some time before opening on the 20th.)  Unless we're misreading something, this is the final Magical Hoop™ we have to jump through for our building permit!  (Thankfully, the Magical Hoops™ have stopped moving quite so much...)

We also figured out what to do with the bar wall coverings that the health department wants us to put up on the server side of the bar.  (Ok, it's not a want; it's a requirement.)  And we picked the fiberglass reinforced panels we need back there today as well.

And the final milestone passed today was we got our phone line installed!  Our Phone number:  "A.K.A. Buzz" which is pretty darn awesome if you ask me.

We're looking forward to Pride this weekend.  You'll probably see Karl and I handing out little fliers about the bar.  We would have done a float or something (Karl even toyed with the idea of just walking around with signs like those you'd see at a protest) but, quite honestly, we've had other major issues on our minds lately.

And that's today in a nutshell.

(P.S.  The posting I made earlier today was done with the voice recognition thing on my phone.  It doesn't capitalize anything and you have to speak the punctuation.  It's a little annoying but it's a little faster than the on-screen keyboard and it does work.  Mostly.)

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